Wilderness International

The Milky Chance Forest

Milky Chance has protected 23 000 m2 of rainforest for their Europe tour. Now it’s your turn - protect more and let the Milky Chance forest grow!



from wilderness sponsors have protected


m2 of old-growth forest

forever and thus ensure that


tons of CO2

remain permanently stored in the biomass of the forest

210 m² geschützt
Protect more

Protect rainforest now

preserve biodiversity and a healthy climate

Playful monkeys, secretive jaguars and jungle trees covered in lianas – the Peruvian Amazon is the most biodiverse place on Earth! Together with Wilderness International and Milky Chance, you can protect this rainforest forever.

About the Milky Chance Forest

When the sun rises over the rainforest along the Tambopata River, the forest begins to breathe. Warm mist rises above the treetops and the sunlight breaks into warm colors of red.

Only few rays of sunlight break through the dense canopy of the jungle's giants. They stand on tall buttress roots and are covered in liana and epiphytes.

About the conservation area:

  • Country: Peru
  • Region: Madre de Dios
  • Location of the protected area: along the Tambopata River, about 30 km southwest of Puerto Maldonado
  • Name: Secret Forest
  • Size: 166.82 ha
  • Ecosystem: tropical Amazon rainforest
  • Climate: annual precipitation of up to 3,800 mm (Germany: ø 223 mm per year)


  • Brown-throated sloths
  • Jaguars
  • Macaws
  • Smooth-fronted caiman
  • Turtles
  • Tiger-striped tree frogs


  • Ceiba trees
  • Walking Palm trees
  • Brazil nut trees
1 €



1 m²

of forest

forever and ensures that

60 kg

of CO2

remain stored in living biomass

Your donation at a glance:

  • tangible: your 1 € donation protects 1 m² of forest
  • good for the climate: the protection of this area secures that 60 kg CO2 will permanently remain stored in living biomass
  • transparent: you will receive a certificate with the exact geo-coordinates and an aerial picture of the area of forest you protected together with Milky Chance
  • permanent: your one-time donation ensures the long-term protection of the forest area
Wilderness International

Example for a wilderness protection certificate

What motivated me to join WI, and what continues to convince me, is the directness of the work. Instead of expensive awareness campaigns, WI actually protects unique wilderness areas. And not only the how, but also the what is sound. Areas for protection are selected based on acute threat, ecological importance, or strategic location. All of this can be tracked by anyone using geo-coordinates. It can't get more transparent than that!

Wilderness International

Jenin Ziemens

Environmental Ambassador

Milky Chance in Canada

In November 2021, during their North America tour, the band joined us in the Vancouver area to see whales and learn about our forest conservation work. And about what the two of them have in common!

About Wilderness International

Wilderness International purchases primary rainforest areas with land title and legally protects them for all future. Donations refinance the purchases and at the same time finance long-term protection as well as environmental education and research. 

Donors receive a personalized certificate with the exact geo-coordinates and aerial photograph of the forest area they are protecting. Thus, the use and impact of the donation is tangible and directly traceable. We are currently working in the temperate rainforest of Western Canada and the Amazon rainforest of Peru.

Protect Rainforest Now

Wilderness International
Henriette Wessel

* Please state "Milky Chance" in the subject

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